
de | 9 janvier 2017
[:en]Brussels, 24.06.2016 – D/83


It is with great regret that we have learned this morning about the results of the referendum organized in the UK upon the question whether to remain or leave the European Union.
Although  it  impresses  upon  us  the  feeling  of  profound  sadness  we  sincerely  respect  the  outcome  of  the democratic vote. We warmly thank all British citizens who expressed their confidence in Europe and voted to remain.
We also wish to express our thanks to all our colleagues who were involved in the myth-busting campaign and promoted the European Union idea along the referendum campaign. We believe that your efforts were not in vain and they will still bring some fruits, even if in the very long run.
Now we turn to the European Commission who will be charged with managing the aftermath of the referendum. We  invite  College  of  Commissioners  to  take  urgent  steps  in  order  to  offer  pragmatic  assurances  to  all  our colleagues who hold UK citizenship, ensuring that whatever future arrangements are, they will be able to remain in their jobs and secure for instance their pension rights. We will monitor all development to make sure that interest of all colleagues is not compromised.
We were, we are and we will remain together!
