de | 8 juin 2018



Le Statut permet à tout agent d’exercer une activité extérieure, qu’elle soit rémunérée ou pas, après introduction de la demande auprès de notre institution et après avoir eu son approbation.

En cas d’activités rémunérées, jusqu’à présent celles-ci étaient plafonnées à 4.500 euros annuels après déductions fiscales.

Lors des différentes concertations dans le cadre du Dialogue Social, un premier plafond  a été atteint ; à savoir : 9.000 euros net; ce montant constitue tout simplement le double du montant initial.

Save Europe a continué à se battre, en dépit du manque de soutien d’une majorité de syndicats, pour obtenir un plafond plus élevé et atteindre les 10.000 euros en faisant le lien avec des éléments statutaires comme les 50 % du salaire le plus bas; celui des GF1/1 et l’impact minime que cela représenterait au niveau budgétaire.

Save Europe a démontré que ce montant de 10.000 euros  qui représentait moins de la moitié du salaire annuel du GF1/1, non seulement répondait aux inquiétudes recensées dans la consultation interservices (CIS) de voir cette rémunération prendre le dessus sur la rémunération provenant de l’institution conformément au Statut « au regard de la préservation de l’indépendance et de loyauté des agents vis-à-vis de la Commission », mais également permettait aux collègues de bénéficier d’une différence additionnelle en matière de rémunération  mensuelle appréciable  de (10.000€ -4500€ : 12 mois).

Répondant aux arguments tangibles développés par Save Europe, le Commissaire a accueilli favorablement notre demande en concertation politique, et a accepté de revoir le plafond de ces activités extérieures à la hausse; comme vous pourrez le lire dans les extraits ci-dessous de la lettre qu’il nous a adressée en date du 04.12.2017, références MHo/cw Ares(2017)s_61 15740. A ce jour, aucune communication n’est sortie du collège, nous attendons la confirmation écrite des engagements pris verbalement.

“Save Europe raised the question of the annual ceiling for net remuneration which a staff member may receive for all the assignments or outside activities he engages in while in service. I understand that Save Europe would like that ceiling to be increased from € 9,000, as in the current proposed Decision, to € 10,000.

I would like first to welcome that the proposed Decision aims at an increase of the ceiling, which has not been reviewed since 2004. As regards the ceiling amount, I will propose to the College that the annual ceiling for remuneration is set at € 10 000, thereby answering favourably Save Europe’s request.”

Grace à Save Europe, les activités extérieures pourront  être rémunérées plus favorablement sans être pénalisées par l’Institution.

SAVE EUROPE des faits – des actes




The Staff Regulations allows every agent to exercise an outside activity that is remunerated after the introduction of the request to our institution and having received its approval.

In case of remunerated activities, until now, these were limited to an annual 4.500 € after tax relief.

During the various discussions within the framework of  the Social Dialog, a first ceiling was reached, namely :  9.000 €; this amount constitutes simply the double of the initial amount.

It was only Save Europe that continued to fight  – In spite of the lack of support of a majority of Trade Unions – for even higher ceiling of 10.000 € by establishing a link to statutory elements such as the 50 % of the lowest salary; that of GF1/1, and the small impact which it would represent to the budgetary level.

Indeed Save Europe demonstrated that this 10.000 € which represented less than half annual salary of GF1/1, not only answered the concerns listed in the Inter-services consultation (CIS) to see this remuneration getting the upper hand over the remuneration resulting from the institution according to the Staff Regulations « with regard to the conservation of the independence and the loyalty of the agents towards the Commission », but also allowed the colleagues to benefit from an additional difference regarding considerable monthly remuneration of (10.000€ -4500€ : 12 months).

Answering the tangible arguments developed by Save Europe, the Commissioner welcomed favourably our request in political dialogue, and agreed to revise the ceiling of the outside activities; as you can read it in extracts below of the letter which he sent to us on 04.12.2017, reference MHo/cw  Ares(2017) s_61 15740. We are waiting the written materialisation of the taken verbal commitments.

“Save Europe raised the question of the annual ceiling for net remuneration which a staff member may receive for all the assignments or outside activities he engages in while in service. I understand that Save Europe would like the ceiling to be increased from € 9,000, as in the current proposed Decision, to € 10,000.

I would like first to welcome that the proposed Decision aims at an increase of the ceiling, which has not been reviewed since 2004. As regards the ceiling amount, I will propose to the College that the annual ceiling for remuneration is set at € 10 000, thereby answering favourably Save Europe’s request.”

Thanks to Save Europe, the outside activities can be more favourably paid without being penalized by the Institution;

SAVE EUROPE Facts – Acts[:]